Credits V!11


  • V!RUS


V!RUS journal is published once a year by Nomads.usp - Center for Interactive Living Studies, of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Sao Paulo, IAU-USP, Brazil. V!RUS aims at being a locus of reflection on themes related to Nomads.usp interests and ongoing research. V!RUS only targets academic communication, with no commercial interest, and is shared under CC BY-NC license. Both the publication service as the access to published content are free of charge. V!RUS journal can be accessed at the website | | Facebook:


2015 issue: december, 2015


Editor-in-chief of V!RUS journal | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano.

Editorial Committee of the 11th issue | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, Arch. Gabriele Landim, Arch. Dyego Digiandomenico, MSc. Luciana Roça, MSc. Maria Julia Stella Martins.

Graphic interface designers | Associate Prof. Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, Prof. Dr. Cynthia Nojimoto, Arch. Dyego Digiandomenico, Daniel Picon, Flávia Dias.

Assistant editors | Prof. Dr. Cynthia Nojimoto, MSc. Sandra Schmitt Soster, MSc. Luciana Roça, MSc. Maria Julia Stella Martins, Nayara Benatti, Arch. Dyego Digiandomenico, Arch. Gabriele Landim, Arch. Guilherme Mayrinck Andrade, Flávia Dias, Fernanda Ferrari, Maurício Silva Filho.

Reviewers | Associate Prof. Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, Prof. Dr. Cynthia Nojimoto, MSc. Maria Julia Stella Martins, MSc. Luciana Roça, Nayara Benatti, Arch. Dyego Digiandomenico, Arch. Gabriele Landim, Arch. Guilherme Mayrinck Andrade, Flávia Dias, Arch. José Calijuri Hamra.

Network and server | Evandro Bueno, Daniel Picon.


V!RUS journal is composed of 6 sections:

Editorial | Word of the issue's Editorial Committee

Entrevista | Pesquisadores ou pessoas com notório saber sobre o tema da edição, convidados pelo Comitê Editorial

Interview | Researchers or people with notable knowledge about the issue's subjects invited by the Editorial Committee

Submitted papers | Articles submitted to the journal in response to specific call for each issue, evaluated in blind review evaluation system by two guests evaluators.

Project | Presentation and reflection on artistic, architectural, urban design or of cultural nature submitted to the journal in reply to specific call for each issue, evaluated in blind review evaluation system by two guests evaluators.

Carpet | Academic and free-form texts written by researchers or people with notable knowledge on the issue's subjects, invited by the Editorial Committee.

Nomads papers | Academic articles written by Nomads.usp researchers on the issue's subjects, evaluated in blind review evaluation system by two guests evaluators.

03 INDEX DATABASES V!RUS journal is indexed in the following databases:

DOAJ_logo.jpg   latindex_logo.jpg   miar.jpg   actualidad.jpg

academickeys.jpg   sumariosorg.jpg   zdb.jpg   elektronische.jpg   journalseeker.jpg


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