Organizational conflicts from a general theory of systems point of view


  • Marcos Malhadas Junior Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná


Conflict, Organizations, Theory, Systems, Job


Underlying all conflict is the idea of change, or a perspective that it will occur in relation to what was then established. In the daily life of organizations, for example, this is no different, even if the actors in conflict do not have the exact notion of this ideal of transformation. Thus, and considering that this change usually takes place, or intervenes in some system and, in it, causes a kind of change, this article observes the phenomenon of conflict from the perspective of the General Theory of Organizational Systems, especially in their labor relations.


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Author Biography

Marcos Malhadas Junior, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná

He is a lecturer and a lawyer, specialized in Labor Law, and Master student in Business Administration at the Catholic University of Parana, PUC-PR, Brazil.

