Places, gestures and words of comfort at home


  • Monique Eleb École d'architecture Paris-Malaquais


This article is an excerpt from a chapter of our book "Vu de l'intérieur: Habiter un immeuble en Ile de France (1945-2010)" [Seen from inside: Living in a building at Ile de France (1945-2010)] (with Sabri Bendimerad, Archibooks/Order of Architects of Ile de France, 2011.


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Author Biography

Monique Eleb, École d'architecture Paris-Malaquais

She is a Psychologist and Doctor in Sociology, Professor at the École d'architecture Paris-Malaquais, France, director of the Architecture, Culture, Society ACS research center, she studies the development of housing design related to lifestyles in France.

