About the Journal

V!RUS is a scientific journal (ISSN 2175-974X) published twice a year by Nomads.usp, the Center for Interactive Living Studies of the Post-graduate Studies Program in Architecture and Urbanism, Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and is currently ranked as A3 class by the Brazilian QUALIS system, on a scale from A1 to B5.

V!RUS aims to be a locus of reflection and interlocution about contemporary topics related to the building, the city, and the landscape. It seeks to stimulate emerging ideas in various disciplinary fields, such as architecture, urban studies, design, art, cinema, computer sciences, communication, social sciences, and cultural studies, among others, in a dialogue with Nomads.usp research subjects.

After a first experimental issue in 2006, the journal started receiving submissions of scientific articles and critical essays in Portuguese, Spanish and English from 2009 on, in a process partially managed through the OJS Electronic Publishing System. Works are peer-evaluated in a double-blind review process, in close communication with authors. The journal can exceptionaly invite guest authors for their academic excellence. All published works are identified as "Submitted article" or "Guest author".

The edition process of V!RUS journal is fully described at http://vnomads.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com/ojs/index.php/virus/processoeditorial

Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the issues' themes, academic researchers from different areas of knowledge working at institutions in several countries are part of the journal's Scientific Committee, and the body of evaluators as well. The names of the ad hoc reviewers that kindly cooperate with V!RUS by reviewing submitted works are disclosed in selected issues. The names and institutions of all ad hoc reviewers can be found at the bottom of this page.

V!RUS Journal only targets academic communication with no commercial interest and is shared under the CC BY-NC-SA license. Both publishing services and access to all published content are free of charge. The journal does not charge any fees for the services it provides, nor pays for contributions.

V!RUS journal can be accessed at the website www.nomads.usp.br/virus/


V!RUS journal's issues have five sections:

Editorial | The issue's Editorial Board word.

Interview | Researchers or professionals invited by the Editorial Committee with notorious knowledge about the issue's theme.

Agora | Papers selected from among those submitted to the journal in response to the call for each issue, evaluated in a double blind evaluation process by two ad hoc reviewers.

Project | Presentation and critical reflection on artistic, architectural, urban design or cultural work selected from among those submitted to the journal in response to the call for each issue, evaluated in a double blind evaluation process by two ad hoc reviewers.

Carpet | Papers referring to a subtopic of the issue's central theme, selected by the Editorial Committee among those approved for publication after double-blind evaluation by two ad hoc evaluators.


INDEX DATABASES V!RUS journal is indexed in the following databases: