Credits V!23


  • V!RUS


V!RUS journal is published twice a year by Nomads.usp, the Center for Interactive Living Studies from the Post-graduate Studies Program in Architecture and Urbanism, of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - IAU-USP, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. V!RUS aims at being a locus of reflection on contemporary topics related to the area of Architecture and Urbanism, and Nomads.usp interests and ongoing research. The journal is currently evaluated as A2 class by the Brazilian QUALIS system, on a scale from A1 to B5.

V!RUS journal only targets academic communication with no commercial interest and is shared under the CC BY-NC-SA license. Both publishing services and access to published content are free of charge. The journal does not charge any fees for the services it provides, nor pays for collaborations.

V!RUS journal can be accessed at the website

Postal address:
University of Sao Paulo
Institute of Architecture and Urbanism
P. O. Box 31 - 13560 Sao Carlos SP, BRAZIL


23RD. ISSUE | 2021 SEMESTER 02 | DECEMBER 2021

01 | TEAM

Editor-in-chief of V!RUS journal | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, IAU-USP

Editorial Committee of the 23rd issue | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, MSc. Isabella Eloy Cavalcanti, Lucas Edson de Chico Arch., Thamyres Lobato Reis Arch.

Graphic interface designers | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, Prof. MSc. Fernando Birello de Lima, Msc. Sandra Schmitt Soster, Msc. Isabella Eloy Cavalcanti, Júlia Vechetini Menin Arch., Lucas Edson de Chico Arch., Maurício José da Silva Filho Arch., Pedro Plácido Teixeira Arch., Thamyres Lobato Reis Arch.

Assistant editors | Associate Professor Dr. Anja Pratschke, Msc. Sandra Schmitt Soster, Msc. Mário Vallejo, Pedro Plácido Teixeira Arch.

Internal reviewers | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, Associate Professor Dr. Anja Pratschke, MSc. Isabella Eloy Cavalcanti, Lucas Edson de Chico Arch., Thamyres Lobato Reis Arch.

External reviewers | The name and institution of the researchers who kindly collaborated with us in the last two editions of V!RUS, in 2021, can be found on this page. In order to ensure confidentiality, the names of the external reviewers of the twenty-second edition were published together with the reviewers of V!RUS 23 in December 2021.

Network and server | Juliano Pita, Daniel Picon, Evandro Bueno.

The background image of the Summary page is called Sehwan End of Moharram, and dates from 2016. Our publication seeks to honor its author, Pakistani photographer and filmmaker Madiha Aijaz, who passed away early in 2019. Aijaz was a recognized professional in Europe and North America, where her work has been frequently exhibited and awarded, but mostly in her own country, where she was a lecturer and researcher at the Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture, in Karachi. To this great woman from the South, our deep admiration.

In several ways, we tried to obtain permission to use this image, but we were unsuccessful. If anyone has the contact details of the rights holders for their work, please get in touch with us.


V!RUS journal has 5 sections:

Editorial | Words from the issue's Editorial Committee.

Interview | Researchers or guests with notorious knowledge on the issue' subjects, invited by the Editorial Committee.

Agora | Selected articles submitted to the journal in reply to a specific call for each issue, evaluated in the double-blind review evaluation system by two guest evaluators.

Project | Presentation, and criticism on artistic, architectural, urban design or cultural work submitted to the journal in reply to a specific call for each issue, evaluated in a double-blind review evaluation system by two guest evaluators. Exceptionally, the author of a project or project experience may be specially invited by the Editorial Team.

Carpet | Academic or free-form texts by researchers or guests with notorious knowledge on the issue' subjects, either invited by the Editorial Committee or having been submitted to the journal in reply to a specific call for each issue, evaluated in a double-blind review evaluation system by two guest evaluators.

03 | INDEX DATABASES V!RUS journal is indexed in the following databases:











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