Insurgent data building by informal settlements



Insurgent planning, Informal Settlements, Data, Community assets


This paper introduces the concept of insurgency, which stems from planning theory, and presents how it could be adapted to the building of insurgent data. It articulates how informal communities could employ autonomous strategies to build data that counteracts the monopoly of information, which is largely held by the State. The paper presents a brief critique of data on informal settlements by presenting the case of the city of Fortaleza, Brazil. It concludes by suggesting alternative methods for planning, collecting and disseminating data that is reflective of communities’ values and can further their right to the city. Social and political movements generated by minorities are necessary and information is key in transforming grassroots action to legitimate policy. Insurgency in planning and information building provides a point of entry to the larger discussion of who produces information about various segments of society and how that influences their Right to the City.


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Author Biographies

Lara Furtado, Massachusetts University

She is an Architect and Urbanist and a Doctor in Regional Planning. Her research work articulates the areas of Environmental Design and Social Participation for social housing planning. She teaches geoprocessing techniques at the University of Massachusetts, USA, and works on projects that measure economic impacts through ethnography and statistical data analysis via participatory data collection methods.

Henry Renski, Massachusetts University

He holds a Bachelor's degree of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning and a Doctor degree in Urban and Regional Planning. He is a Full Professor at the Department of Landscape and Regional Planning at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA. He studies technological and social factors that influence economic development by examining new patterns of urban development. He is the director of the Center for Economic Development at the University of Massachusetts.

