Cosmocria: interactivity and experience in architecture



Interactive architecture, Cybernetics, Urbanity, Collaborative space


This article derives from the undergraduate diploma paper "Cosmocria: interactivity and experience in Architecture", developed in 2016 in the Architecture and Urbanism Course of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul and it had the principle of Cybernetics as theoretical foundation for the later development of the architectural project. Based on the investigation of the media and technological devices influence in the contemporary society, the interactive architecture and the human experience in the spaces are connected through the systemic cybernetic gaze. In order to reflect the diversity and dynamicity of contemporary society, the proposal of the work is an architectural project based on the cybernetic interactivity allied to the urbanity of the democratic public space within the hybrid networks that weave the city. While the interactive space seeks more responsive, sensorial, adaptive and stimulating environments, the democratic space seeks the diversity of situations, interactions, experiences and uses from the human dimension in spaces. It is a sensitive public space that reflects the people’s needs through interaction. The hybrid character of the project organizes the concepts in both the physical and virtual realms in a connected way with the people of the city creating a collaborative space that does not encourage the role of one protagonist and the audience, but that, in a context of equality, everyone can be protagonist of their own sensory experience in space. It is also worth noting that this collaborative space proposed by Cosmocria aims to foster research, the "do it yourself" culture and technological development in Campo Grande, MS, Brazil. 


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Author Biographies

Adalberto de Paula, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

He is architect and urban planner, member of research group algo+ritmo, at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Gilfranco Medeiros Alves, Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

He is architect and urban planner, Doctor Architecture and Urbanism; professor of Architecture and Urbanism course, at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul; coordinator of research group algo+ritmo. He studies digital processes of design, semiotics and communication in architecture, second-order cybernetics, parametric design and digital fabrication.

