Urban weaving metaphors: a case study in Serrinha neighborhood, Fortaleza


  • Anna Lúcia dos Santos Vieira e Silva Federal University of Ceara (UFC), Brazil
  • Carlos Eugênio Moreira de Sousa
  • Naggila Taissa Silva Frota


Urban system, Participatory process, Local identity, Urban regeneration


This paper explores three levels of interpretation of the urban interweave metaphor, exemplified in the Serrinha neighborhood of Fortaleza. The first approach observes Fortaleza's urban mesh from above, through common perspective for urbanists but removed from the day-to-day experience though no less relevant in relation to the urban mesh: a patchwork, pieces of landscapes, flow, uses, connected by interpretations and diagnosis. From a macro view to a micro, one observes the Serrinha neighborhood and in it a specific locality. The second view concerns the open body, which needs to be sutured. It is the problems identified in this place, where the consequences of the irregularities of the larger system emerge at a point that makes explicit its urgent need for healing. The third approach concerns an interweave made up of invisible lines, nuance that compound a process, a work team, the construction of local identity and the project, which stitch together the goals and the transformations related to the levels previously analyzed.


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Author Biographies

Anna Lúcia dos Santos Vieira e Silva, Federal University of Ceara (UFC), Brazil

She is architect and urban planner, Doctor in Public Space and Urban Regeneration; adjunct professor at Federal University of Ceará; coordinator of research group Varal - Social Design initiatives Laboratory. She studies public spaces, participative didactic methodologies.

Carlos Eugênio Moreira de Sousa

He is architect and urban planner. He studies contemporary processes of projects of design, architecture and urbanism, information modeling in construction and documentation of architectural, urban and landscape heritage.

Naggila Taissa Silva Frota

He is architect and urban planner, MBA in Geoprocessing Applied to Environmental Analysis and Water Resources. She studies urban planning, housing, real estate market and free space system.

