Walls: in-between places, uses, and utilities


  • Maíra Ramirez Nobre
  • Rafael Silva Brandão Federal University of São João del Rei


City, Walls, Security, In-between places, Appropriation


Walls are fundamental constituent elements of urban spaces, when setting or determining designs, uses and flows in the city. They are viewed in a predominantly negative way by space scholars, due to their segregating nature: they function as a division of areas, but also of realities; prevent access; harass the user to the point of making their appropriation of space impractical. But is there an underestimated potentiality in those components? This paper seeks to understand the influences of the walls in the urban quotidian, pointing out their role in the weaving of the city and their virtuality that instigates in diverse ways different social groups, classifying themselves as in-between places.


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Author Biographies

Maíra Ramirez Nobre

She is architect and urban planner. She studies processes of spontaneous and marginal occupation of the public space.

Rafael Silva Brandão, Federal University of São João del Rei

He is architect and urban planner, Doctor in Architecture Technology. He is Adjunct Professor at Federal University of São João del Rei. He studies environmental comfort, urban planning, energy and technology architecture and urbanism.

