Credits V!13


  • V!RUS


V!RUS journal is published twice a year by Nomads.usp - Center for Interactive Living Studies, of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - IAU-USP, at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. V!RUS aims at being a locus of reflection on themes related to Nomads.usp interests and ongoing research.

V!RUS journal only targets academic communication, with no commercial interest, and is shared under the CC BY-NC license. Both publication service and access to published content are free of charge. The journal does not charge any fees for the services it provides, nor pays for collaborations.

V!RUS journal can be accessed at the website



13th issue | 2016 SEMESTER 02 | November 2016


Editor-in-chief of V!RUS journal | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano

Editorial Committee of the 13th issue | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, MSc. Juliana Trujillo, MSc. Juliano Pita, MSc. Luciana Santos Roça, MSc. Sandra Soster

Graphic interface designers | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, Arch. Dyego Digiandomenico, Arch. Gabriele Landim, Arch. Fernanda Ferrari, Daniel Picon

Assistant editors | MSc. Maria Julia Stella Martins, MSc. Jessica Tardivo, Arch. Fernanda Ferrari

Internal reviewers | Associate Professor Dr. Marcelo Tramontano, Prof. Dr. Anja Pratschke, Prof. Dr. Varlete Benevente, Prof. Dr. Mayara Dias de Souza, Prof. MSc. Priscilla Marchetto, Prof. MSc. João Paulo Soares, Prof. MSc. Juliano Pita, MSc. Jessica Tardivo, Arch. Mariah Guimarães Di Stasi, Profa. MSc. Juliana Trujillo, Arch. Dyego Digiandomenico, Arch. Gabriele Landim, MSc. Vitor Locilento Sanches, Victor Borin.

Network and server | Daniel Picon, Evandro Bueno

We also want to thank all researchers who have kindly assisted us in the difficult task of selecting papers for publication over these seven years. Their contribution has been essential to ensure the quality of the dialogue proposed by the journal. Their names are below. The list of reviewers from 2010 to 2012 is available in the V!9 edition, at:

Reviewers by blind review process | 2013 to 2016

Profa. Dra. Adriana Mattos de Caúla e Silva | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Profa. Dra. Ana Paula Koury | São Judas Tadeu University

Prof. Dr. Andreas Otto | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Camilo Amaral | Federal University of Goiás

Profa. Dra. Cláudia Piantá Costa Cabral | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Profa. Dra. Cristiane Duarte | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Profa. Dra. Diana Rodriguez Barros | Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

Prof. Dr. Dorival Rossi | Faculty of Architecture, Arts and Communication - UNESP

Prof. Dr. Edson Mahfuz | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Profa. Dra. Elenise Faria Scherer | Federal University of Amazonas

Profa. Dra. Eulália Negrelos Portela | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Fábio Duarte | Catholic University of Paraná

Prof. Dr. Fábio Fon | Institute of Arts - UNESP

Prof. Dr. Fábio Miessi Sanches | School of Economics, Business and Accounting - USP

Prof. Dr. Fernando Freitas Fuão | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Prof. Dr. Fernando Lara | University of Texas at Austin, USA

Prof. Dr. Frederico Flósculo Pinheiro Barreto | National University of Brasília

Profa. Dra. Gabriela Celani | School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design - UNICAMP

Profa. Dra. Gisele Beiguelman | Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Profa. Dra. Gleice Azambuja Elali | Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Prof. Dr. Gonçalo Castro Henriques | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Dr. Igor Guatelli | Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Prof. Dr. Joana da Silva Barros | Distúrbio group - UERJ/UFRRJ, CENEDIC - USP

Prof. Dr. José Cabral Filho | Federal University of Minas Gerais

Prof. Dr. José Ripper Kós | Federal University of Santa Catarina

Profa. Dra. Karin Chvatal | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Profa. Dra. Lucia Leão | Catholic University of São Paulo

Profa. Dra. Lúcia Zanin Shimbo | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Luiz Antônio Bolcato Custódio | Ritter dos Reis University Center

Prof. Dr. Manoel Rodrigues Alves | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Marco Antônio de Almeida | Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters - USP

Prof. Dr. Martin Gegner | Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Profa. Dra. Natacha Silva Araújo Rena | Federal University of Minas Gerais

Prof. Dr. Pablo de Soto | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Dr. Paulo Afonso Reinghantz | Federal University of Pelotas

Prof. Dr. Paulo Castral | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Pedro Paulo Palazzo de Almeida | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Dr. Rafael Lazzarotto Simioni | Southern Minas Law School

Profa. Dra. Regina Tirello | School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Design - UNICAMP

Prof. Dr. Ruy Sardinha Lopes | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Profa. Dra. Sarah Feldman | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Sérgio Leusin de Amorim | Fluminense Federal University

Profa. Dra. Sheila Ornstein | Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Sidney Tamai | Faculty of Architecture, Arts and Communication - UNESP

Profa. Dra. Telma de Barros Correia | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Profa. Dra. Ursula Kirschner | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany

Profa. Dra. Virginia Kistmann | Catholic University of Paraná

Prof. Dr. Wilson Florio | Institute of Arts - UNICAMP

Prof. Dr. Wilson José Alves Pedro | Federal University of São Carlos


V!RUS journal is compounded by 6 sections:

Editorial | The issue's Editorial Committee word.

Interview | Researchers or guests with notorious knowledge on the issue's subjects, invited by the Editorial Committee.

Submitted papers | Articles submitted to the journal in reply to specific call for each issue, evaluated in blind review evaluation system by two guests evaluators.

Project | Presentation and reflection on works of artistic, architectural, urban design or cultural nature submitted to the journal in reply to specific call for each issue, evaluated in blind review evaluation system by two guests evaluators.

Carpet | Academic and free-form texts written by researchers or people with notorious knowledge on the issue's subjects, invited by the Editorial Committee or having submitted papers.

Nomads papers | Academic articles written by Nomads.usp researchers on the issue's subjects, evaluated in blind review evaluation system by two guests evaluators.

03 INDEX DATABASES V!RUS journal is indexed in the following databases:

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