Parameterization applied to building energy performance


  • Laila Oliveira Santana
  • Ítalo Bruno Baleeiro Guimarães
  • Joyce Correna Carlo


Parametrization, V!11, energy efficiency, sensivity analyzes, residential labeling


The parameterization of energy efficiency measures is used in thermal and energy simulation processes in which gradual evaluations through simulation aim to obtain solutions for the building design. The procedures were improved through the decades towards the optimization of solutions, which optimized parameters have interrelated impacts on the building performance. Optimization methods involve complex sensitivity analysis, which adopts complex methods as Latin Hipercube for sampling or Neural Networks for evaluations, but also simplified analysis using linear regression equations. The Brazilian Labeling Program of Inmetro uses regression parametric equations of to identify the energy efficiency level of housing units. This study investigates shape parameters of a housing model using those regression algorithms. The variation of two shape parameters (width and depth of interior rooms), affected several labeling parameters, which results indicate the direction to introduce a shape grammar for energy efficiency of dwellings.


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Author Biographies

Laila Oliveira Santana

She is an Architect and Urbanist from UFV and part of the UFV’s masters’ degree program. Has experience in Energy Efficiency, Form’s Gramatics and generative modelling.

Ítalo Bruno Baleeiro Guimarães

He is an Architect and Urbanist from UFV and part of the UFV’s masters’ degree program. Has experience in Parametrization, Energy Efficiency and Optimization.

Joyce Correna Carlo

She graduate in Architecture and Urbanism from UFMG and postdoctoral at UFSC. Has experience in Bioclimatic Architecture Area, Energy Efficiency and Simulations-term energy and lighting, having performed consulting and architectural projects.

