The place of retailing and services activities in architecture and urbanism


  • Heliana Comin Vargas


commerce and city, retailing and services, urban policies, complex knowledge, tertiary sector


The purpose of this article is to bring to light the importance on retailing and services researches to understanding urban processes, especially as regards architecture and urbanism. It begins by discussing the importance of commerce to human relationships and individuals’ daily lives and the myths that have formed around the retailing and services activities, which still dissuade the study and research in this area of knowledge, especially concerning its relationship with the city. Focusing on retailing and services  activities, this paper then shows their complex nature aiming to indicate their interfaces with other areas of knowledge whose approaches help to broaden perspectives and deepen the understanding of the various objects of study. Lastly, thematic openings and amplitudes regarding the study of retailing and services are outlined and where their relationship with the city takes us.


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Author Biography

Heliana Comin Vargas

She is: BA in Architecture and Urbanism, University of São Paulo (USP), SP, Brazil, 1974; BA, in Economics, PUC São Paulo, SP Brazil,1982; Ms, University of São Paulo (USP), SP, Brazil.1986; PhD, University of São Paulo, (USP) SP, Brazil, 1993; Pos-Doc. Environmental Management International Academy of Environment, Geneva, Switzerland, 1996. Is a Full Professor at São Paulo University, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism.

