Reallocating the problem of architecture: From projective processes to language revision


  • Eluiza Bortolotto Ghizzi


architecture practice, digital drawing, collaboration project, creative processes


In this article we aim to analyze changes in projective processes in architecture, linked with the mediation of the practice through digital drawing. The analysis take into account both specific features of new tools and the way they influence use, ideas and language. The text is split into three parts. In the first one, "Use and criticize", we show how computer has been used in projective process since the appearance of programs such as CAD, highlighting the features of new tools that have shown itselves, at the same time, useful and innovative for architecture, as well as object of criticism. In the second part, "From projective process to use: collaborative and interactive actions", we outline changes in projective process itself and in ideas on how architecture should be like, including the relationship between architecture and users; we point collaboration levels that are estimated and required by new creation tools, and also by the new relationship established between art and knowledge. Finally, in the third part, "Processes and ideas", we take our final considerations through general ideas about these changes.


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Author Biography

Eluiza Bortolotto Ghizzi

She is Architect and PhD in Comunication and Semiotic (PUC-SP). Adjunct Professor at Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), in the Department of Communication and Arts (DAC), of Center of Social and Human Scient, working at Visual Arts and Architecture and Urbanism graduation and at the Languages Studies master's degree. Researches the relationships between atrs(arts), design and architechture in a semiotic view.

