The city and the others' sounds


  • Suzana Reck Miranda Federal University of São Carlos


V!9, Sound Landscape, Urban, Culture


We know that cities have their sounds. Albeit similar, it is possible to say that urban sounds are organized according to their singularities. Those sounds that are culturally determined, e.g., speech and its accents, regional musicality, among others, are more easily identified as “sound marks,” in the sense that Schafer understands this phrase (specific sounds of a particular location). However, cities have different acoustic spaces, more or less chaotic, along with numerous factors. Thus, just as concrete, green areas (or lack of), and asphalt comprise different architectural and urban landscapes, urban soundscapes are also, paradoxically or not, different.


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Author Biography

Suzana Reck Miranda, Federal University of São Carlos

She teaches in the Department of Arts and Communications and in the Postgraduate Program in Image and Sound, both at UFSCar (Federal University of Sao Carlos). She also coordinate the Research Group GESSOMA (Grupo de Estudos do Som e da Música no Audiovisual) and has published several articles on the relationship about sound and music within different medias.

