Inhabiting atmospheres: taking shape in the space of ecologies


  • Simona Pecoraio


dwelling, shape, space, ecologies


The intention of this essay is to do a capture of dwelling, establishing the need of placing ourselves in intermediate territories, that go beyond the immunity/community, interior/exterior and public/private dichotomies, to reorient the space issues towards the relation they have with the capacity of generating places and experiences, recovering a complex vision of dwelling that favors social interactions and sharing of its significant devices, in the space of ecologies.

Dwellings, co-dwellings and undwellings would define the different approaches to being-in-the-world, and are used in plural for the sake of opening a perspective that tries to enable the recognition of that which can not be perceived without such a plurality, favoring formulations that address references of the space of ecologies, trying to (being able to) learn, not in its physical configuration, nor in its environmental condition, but as a means of relating, as a possibility of interaction among realities, going beyond its physical connotations and crossing its political, social and cultural connotations.

All this might contribute to a critical discussion of discipline among keys of deployment and interpretation, in an understanding of architecture that goes beyond its most immediate senses (its products), and looks in other, more extended ones (its generativities).


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Author Biography

Simona Pecoraio

She is Architect and Master in Architecture, researcher at the OUT_Arquías research group, of the History, Architectural Theory and Composition Department at the University of Seville, Spain, she investigates the impact of social changes in urban spaces and city as imaginary popular formation.

