The interfaces and the time


  • Diego Pimentel Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte


Cultural Actions, Digital Media, Interface, Art


The interface tends to transcend the mere mediating function between the user and information, to become a liquid magma which includes the activities of human beings. It was thus that Gui Bonsiepe understood it when we spoke of “interfases” in the mid 90's, when he postulated that we designers were going to stop designing objects and would instead design interfaces (or processes). For him, the interface is what structures the user, the action and the object. That is, if we have to cut paper, the interface is not the scissors, but is composed of all the relationships between the context where we are cutting the paper, your lighting conditions, the edge of the scissors, the thickness of paper, the amount of paper that must be cut, and so on. According to Bonsiepe, design focuses on user’s experience cutting the paper and not only in the design of the scissors.


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Author Biography

Diego Pimentel, Instituto Universitario Nacional del Arte

He is a Professor of Multimedia Arts and Assistant Secretary of Communications of the National College of Art. Director of Education and Cultural Innovation in San Martin. Independent consultant in design and interactive technologies. Founder of Simplestudio.

