Designing our coexistences



Architecture, Architecture teaching, Designing Coexistence


[Characters: teachers and students. Scene: corridors. Dim light on a drawing table, a blinding focus on a computer. Actors walk through the scene randomly. Above, lined busts of scowled and finger-wagging old masters. On the virtual walls, colored maps pretend that there is some control over what happens. By far, the reality does not wait. Beside, sustainability moans. Actors take turns in disconnected lines.]


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Author Biography

Ruth Verde Zein, Mackenzie Presbiterian University

She is an Architect and Urbanistt. PhD in Theory, History and Criticism of Architecture. Post-doctorate from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Universidade de São Paulo. Professor and researcher PPI Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie and volunteer researcher PROPAR-UFRGS.

