Designing coexistence


  • V!RUS Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil


The fourth issue of the academic journal V!RUS will focus on the relationship between cultural diversity and urban space, privileging the so called hybrid spatialities, which require the use of digital media.

Shared by different spheres of thought and contemporary practices, questions gravitating around diversity, tolerance, pluralism, collaboration, activism, coexistence, multiculturalism, inclusion, vitality and accessibility, on the one hand; the conflict, discrimination, vulnerability, intimidation, exclusion, on the other; allied to the assumptions of remote communication, mobility, connection, migration, network and displacement, compose the central idea that permeates this issue: the possibility of designing coexistence in the city.

It means to perceive the contemporary city as a locus of the plurality par excellence, requiring - from those who conceive and produce it - actions that are beyond the creation of physical space and its devices. Scene for a multitude of intertwined everyday lives, experienced on both presential and remote social networks, the urban place is constituted from the experiences and meanings of individuals, groups and communities. To design it is to prepare it for hosting self-organizations, accepting with enthusiasm the idea of indeterminacy that the coexistence between differences necessarily implies.

This fourth issue of the V!RUS journal proposes to investigate the challenges to conceive, to design, to boost and to guide coexistences, in the dimensions of either concrete, virtual or hybrid spaces. What kinds of simultaneous and mutual existences are we talking about? Those of social and cultural matrix, of behaviours and lifestyles, that create conditions to promote recognition of diversity among individuals, groups and communities of different social classes, under private, collective or public instances.

We are thus thinking of the various intrinsically urban cultural events, such as hip hop, street dance and street theater, graffiti, pixo and street art; derivations of the work of collectors and recyclers; the use of online social networks and of internet in general, in the production of presential events and the dissemination and discussion of ideas; the possible contributions of these expressions to the production of concrete, virtual and hybrid spaces; and especially in their interaction with other forms of expression and communication seeking to approximate segregated realities.

The aim of this issue is therefore to explore this broad topic from viewpoints coming from all areas of knowledge, establishing interfaces, albeit in different degrees, with disciplines related to social sciences, culture and technology. It will be welcomed both the theoretical reflections in these areas, and records of realizations, experiences and practices, including interventions in the fields of Architecture and Urban Planning, Design and Art, as well as specific studies on software and digital interfaces for community use, and activities to use social digital media. Priority will be given to works that emphasize the handling with cultural diversity in urban areas, in their different understandings.

Contributions will be received through the journal's website no later than August 25, 2010, [NEW DEADLINE] according to the guidelines for authors, available in

In addition to text and images, are welcome projects of architecture, urbanism and design as well as documentation of their processes; musical pieces and testimonials in audio files; videos and short films, slide shows, animations, interviews, considering the Nomads.usp interest in exploring the possibilities of using the electronic medium for scientific communication.


_June 2010: first call for contributions

_August 25, 2010: deadline for receiving contributions

_September 17, 2010: send review and requests to authors

_September 27, 2010: deadline for receipt of changes by the authors

_November 2010: Release of V!RUS 04


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