The Meaning of Counter-Hegemony Possibilities in Architecture



Modern Architecture, Brazilian Modern Architecture, Counter-hegemonic Architecture, Architecture Criticism


The article aims to propose a reflection on the critical – theoretical-practical – possibilities to formulate architecture and urbanism strategies that allow reacting at different levels to the impositions of destructive social logics in the contemporary world. To this end, it proposes an analytical path of some of the spatial results of the process of rationalization in modern architecture – in its Brazilian refraction – to name the conditions of a critical – counter-hegemonic – action; one that is possible in contemporary times. This reflection’s main theoretical frameworks are the questions posed to modern architecture by the Italian critic Manfredo Tafuri, and the problematization of Fredric Jameson on the theoretical impasses attributed to it. These could be partially overcome by Lefebvre's critique of the production of space and everyday life, allowing the construction of a theoretical-methodological horizon of social transformation. The present possibilities indicate that critical practice must pursue spatial, cultural, and social contents as alternatives to the progressive abstraction of life, that is, imagine counter-hegemonic procedural actions – and achievements – to face the imposition of hegemonic capitalism (Jameson).


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Author Biographies

Mariana Martinez Wilderom Chagas

Mariana Martinez Wilderom Chagas is an Architect, holds a Master's and a Doctor's degree in Architecture and Urbanism, and carries out her post-doctoral research at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. She studies architecture theory and criticism, architecture and contemporary city in Latin America, urban design, and educational architecture.

Luiz Antonio Recamán Barros

Luiz Antonio Recamán Barros is a Social Scientist and Architect, Master and Doctor in Philosophy and Livre-Docente in Architecture and Urbanism. He is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil, and the Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism of the same institution. He coordinates research on Architectural Aesthetics, Architecture Criticism, Modern Brazilian Architecture, and Social Housing.

