Towards a Latin-Based Urban Design: The role of CAAD in decolonial design practices in Brazil


  • Carlos Frederico Ribeiro Costa
  • Carlos Alejandro Nome


Parametric urban design, Urban design metrics, Decolonial urban design, Latin-based urban design model


This paper discusses the opportunities of parametric urban design associated with well-known urban design metrics to develop a Latin-based urban design model. The research argues that contemporary parametric tools can pave the way for design solutions rooted in a decolonial perspective. We present two case studies in João Pessoa (Brazil). The first case study, in the Varadouro neighborhood, considers the limitations of heritage conservation, exploring the opportunities for new densities and uses towards improving urban vitality. The second case study, in the Bancários neighborhood, presents comparative scenarios that raise straightforward questions about the impact of floor space index considerations on density and urban infrastructure. A parametric model developed in Grasshopper for Rhinoceros 3D simulates the scenarios and evaluates the urban metrics in each sample. This process provides valuable information for city planners, evidence-based estimates of impact on existing infrastructure, and a basis to identify and explore solutions that shift traditional governance models to more contemporary and responsive ones. In the discussions, the article explores how implementing such simulations in the urban planning process would clarify to all actors involved the potential outcomes of unquestioningly accepting the demands of construction companies and real estate developers' lobbyists.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Frederico Ribeiro Costa

is an Architect and Urban Planner and holds a Master's degree in Built Environment. He is a researcher at the Built and Urban Environment Laboratory at the Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil. He conducts research on Urban Design, Algorithmic-Parametric Urban Design, Evidence-based Design, Performance-based Planning Urban Design, Urban Computational aproaches, and Sustainable Urbanism.

Carlos Alejandro Nome

is an Architect and Urban Planner and holds a Ph.D. in Architecture. He is an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil. He conducts research on architectural design, architectural programming, and modeling and prototyping applied to Architecture. His research explores tools, technics, processes, and contemporary design methods.

