The right to the city and hegemony: pathways to an urban praxis


  • Liana Silvia de Viveiros e Oliveira Catholic University of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil


Right to the city, Hegemony, Praxis, Lefebvre, Gramsci


A transformative perspective of the urban society, as proposed by Henri Lefebvre (1991, 1999), supposes long-term strategies for disputes regarding the attainment and exercise of the right to the city. At the same time, it involves a comprehension of reality that considers both the contingent and situated natures of urban processes. Here, we present and discuss a methodological proposal referenced in Lefebvre's (1991) concept of the right to the city and further examined by other authors. This proposal also takes account of Gramsci’s (2012; 2014) concepts of hegemony and civil society. Taking these references together, we seek to comprehend the praxis of social agents in contemporary urban confrontations. These methodological contributions provide an opportunity to reflect on urban conflicts and attribute meanings to the concept of the right, the city, and the right to the city itself as interwoven dimensions of a hegemonic dispute for a transformed urban society. Furthermore, these reflections provide evidence of the strategic nature of the discussion and construction of a methodology for urban research praxis committed to the idea and political project of the right to the city.


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Author Biography

Liana Silvia de Viveiros e Oliveira, Catholic University of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

She is an Architect and Urbanist and Ph.D. in Architecture and Urbanism. She is a professor in the Architecture and Urbanism course and a collaborator in the Postgraduate Program in Territorial Planning and Social Development, both at the Catholic University of Salvador, Bahia. She coordinates the DCidade research group, where she conducts research on disputes over the right to the city, urban conflicts and public spaces.

