
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The work has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • ALL authors' short bios have been added in the "Comments to the Editor" box, in accordance with the item 1.8 of the Author Guidelines.
  • The emails of ALL the authors have been correctly provided.

Author Guidelines



1.1 The V!RUS journal accepts for evaluation unpublished critical and reflective scientific articles or critical essays, as a result of scientific research in all areas of knowledge, and preferably those with a transdisciplinary approach.

1.2  V!RUS is a thematic journal, and submitted papers should clearly relate to the issue's theme.

1.3 The V!RUS journal accepts for publication, papers in text file formats (ONLY EDITABLE FILES), images, audio, video, slide shows, animation, architectural, urban, and design projects, testimonials in audio files, which can be sent in either *.docx, txt, jpeg, png, gif, mp3, pptx, or other extensions under permission of the journal's Editorial Board.

1.4 Every work is evaluated in a process of double-blind peer review by two external reviewers invited to evaluate the work's academic quality and its relationship with the issue's theme.

1.5 Neither authors, nor the journal are paid for publishing approved papers. The journal has solely academic purposes, without any commercial interest. The submission, evaluation, and publication process is entirely free of charge for the authors, as well as the readers' access.

1.6  Submitted texts can be written either in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.

1.7 In the case of texts submitted in Portuguese or Spanish, an English translation will be provided by the authors and reviewed by the Editorial Board or guest reviewers, once the original text is accepted. By submitting their work, authors agree to provide such a version, if the paper is approved. (Please see item 3.5).

     1.7.1 When submitting a work, the authors authorize the paper's publishing in Portuguese and English, or Spanish and English versions.

     1.7.2 Authors of papers written in English, and who are not able to provide a Portuguese or Spanish version, please contact the Editorial Board at

1.8 Before starting the submission process, each author must REGISTER and provide -mandatorily- ALL AUTHORS’ mini-bios, with a maximum of 400 characters each in the Comments for Editor's box. The bio must strictly adhere to the following structure and contents:

  1. Higher academic degree, knowledge area
  2. Academic affiliation, position
  3. Main research topics
  4. Research and /or professional activities related to the paper's subject

1.9 Please note that authors must hold at least a graduate degree and be preferably postgraduate researchers or professors. The name and contribution of undergraduated contributors may be highlighted in the body of the text, or in notes and acknowledgments.

1.10 The number of authors per article cannot exceed four people. For a greater number of co-authors, please consult the Editorial Board, explaining each contribution.




2.1 Two paper formats can be submitted to V!RUS: 1. textual works with inserted images, and 2. image and/or sound works with accompanying critical  text. Each of these follows the specific rules below.

2.2 Titles should not exceed 70 characters, including spaces.

2.3 Papers should be accompanied by an abstract (maximum 200 words) in the same language as the main text, and three to five keywords.

2.4 The works whose principal content is textual must comply with a minimum of 3500 words and a maximum of 5000 words, including references. Papers outside these limits will only exceptionally be accepted, under the agreement of the Editorial Board.

2.5 Works in which the text is not the main support (art or architectural projects, films, photos, audio testimonies, etc.) can also be submitted to the journal and should be accompanied by a critical text whose length must range between 2000 and 3000 words. Accompanying texts outside such limits will only exceptionally be accepted, under the agreement of the Editorial Board.

2.6 The accompanying text of works whose main support is not textual must be sent in a SEPARATE EDITABLE FILE. It must present a critical reflection on the work, clearly relating it to the central theme of the journal's issue, explain theoretical, design, and/or artistic references, and ground theoretically its production process, and results. References (bibliographic, filmographic, artistic, etc) should be included at the end.

2.7 In all cases, images, if any, should be inserted in the texts AND ALSO SENT SEPARATELY in image files (jpg ou png). The image resolution should range between 100 and 300 dpi. Each figure must contain an explanatory legend, with numbering and source (Author, year). Each figure can contain multiple images, but in a single digital file.

2.8 Videos must be hosted on online platforms (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) with 720p HD resolution, available for download by the Editorial Board (please refer to STEP 28 of our Edition Process).

2.9  Images and videos must be authored by the paper's authors. Otherwise, written consent of the authors of the images or videos, or the rights holder, will be required with the paper's final version.

2.10 All texts must be formatted according to the APA norms (

2.11 All titles cited in the text must appear in the References list at the end of the article, and all works mentioned in the References list must be cited in the text.

2.12 At the initial submission, all citations, and mentions that may identify the text's authorship, including references to authors' research institutions and projects, should be KEPT LEGIBLE IN TEXT and RED SIGNED.



3.1 By submitting their work to V!RUS journal, the authors reaffirm the authenticity of the submitted work and assume full responsibility for the ideas expressed in it. The submission of a paper presupposes that, in case of acceptance, the authors authorize its publication both in Portuguese or Spanish and English and its dissemination for an indefinite period.

3.2 The authors declare the work content has never been published in any other academic journal with referees, either in print or electronic means or on any Internet website.

3.3 The exposure of people portrayed in images provided in the submission is the sole responsibility of the authors.

3.4 The V!RUS Editorial Committee carries out a systematic check of plagiarism of all texts received, and this is one of the criteria for accepting the work in the technical evaluation phase. Authors must make sure that all sources used to produce the paper and figures are duly cited, to ensure the originality of the text and the absence of plagiarism and self-plagiarism.

3.5 The authors agree to provide the text's translation either to English, Spanish, or Portuguese once it is accepted. For a proper international disclosure of the work, the text quality in English should consider that the journal is accessed by readers of about 400 cities in over 60 countries.



Authors who publish in V!RUS journal AGREE with the following terms:

4.1 The authors retain the rights of their work and grant the journal the right of first publication. The work is thus licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY-NC-SA 3.0, which allows its sharing with recognition of its authorship and initial publication in V!RUS.

4.2 Authors are allowed to and encouraged to take on additional contracts for the distribution of the published paper (eg publish in an academic online repository or as a book chapter), provided that they mention the initial publication by V!RUS journal, with an active hyperlink for the publication in the journal in case of online publication.


For any further questions, please contact

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses provided when registering for V!RUS will be used exclusively for communication between the journal and the authors, in this issue or in future issues. In case of publication of the submitted work, the authors' names and email addresses will be made publicly available along with the minibio.