The construction of information
The nineteenth issue of VIRUS journal aims to gather studies and reflections on the construction of information today, focusing especially on aspects directly related to the production of the contemporary city, the weaving of urban social life, the hybrid place in which we inhabit, densified by the Internet and digitally mediated communications, to collective and collaborative processes of information production, the processes of creation, teaching and research in different areas, and the use of images in representing the real.
We are interested in a variety of approaches to the theme, from diverse yet complementary perspectives, such as historical, technological, political, economic, artistic, environmental, behavioral, and social analysis, among others. We expect to compose a mosaic of understandings on contemporary ways of constructing information, their processes, contexts, implications, methodologies, products, and limits, especially - but not only - on the following topics:
+ The city and its informational layers
+ Diversity, multiculturality, transdisciplinarity: the public sphere as a locus of shared information construction
+ Cyberspace, a public space ?: analytical categories, dynamics, and conflicts
+ Big data, privacy, and surveillance on online social networks and cities
+ Artificial intelligence and the creation and dissemination of information skewing opinions and world views
+ Internet, net neutrality, control, and management
+ Moderation, monitoring, and the manipulation of information in collaborative platforms and online social networks
+ Public administration, transparency, and governance
+ Review of concepts: information society, digital culture, truth and post-truth, among others
+ Metatheories and the organization of information: cybernetics, systems, complexity and communication ecology
+ Digital social technologies, technopolitics and bottom-up citizen actions
+ Collective creation and the notions of authorship and responsibility, licensing and free software, design and production collaborative processes
+ Renewed understandings on academic research: sources of information, theoretical references, methods, methodological procedures, the researcher's role
+ Reflections on teaching in relation to contemporary modes of information construction: concepts, methodologies, innovative practices, learning spaces, the teacher's role
+ Digital design processes in Architecture, Urbanism, and Design, and information modeling: changes in principles, assumptions, routines, procedures, products, and new productive arrangements
+ BIM and the construction and information sharing on the design, implementation, and lifecycle of built environments
+ Updates of the concept of inhabiting: inhabiting informational spaces, the Internet of Things, private-public relations, inhabiting the city, inhabiting the planet
+ Connected bodies, networked bodies: information in the performing arts and dance, the cyborg and cyburg concepts
+ Digital cartographies and city representations as information bases: what is included in them and what is omitted, how contemporary maps are generated and to whom they belong, GIS, CIM platforms and augmented and virtual reality applications
+ Audiovisual and the documentation and construction of urban readings, expressions and dynamics, explorations, and experiments
+ The image as an exploratory field of information construction: languages, narratives, techniques
+ Sound as information: the sounds of the city, listening modes, sound as a political expression
+ Information sharing via the net: cloud repositories and new work dynamics, online participatory platforms, mobile service apps and job insecurity, social networks
+ Libraries, cinematheques, museums, media libraries and the construction, preservation, and dissemination of information
In addition to text and still images, we welcome photo essays, videos, short films, animations and gifs, sound and musical pieces and testimonials in audio files, architectural, art installation projects, urban planning and building projects and criticism, slide shows and further digital languages considering Nomads.usp's interest in exploring the potential of digital media use on the Internet for academic communication.
Contributions will be received IN ENGLISH, PORTUGUESE OR SPANISH on the journal website until August 28th, 2018, according to the guidelines for authors available at
June 2019: call for papers
August 18, 2019: deadline for receipt of submissions
From October 6: information for authors on the outcome of the evaluation and request for any adjustments
November 10: deadline for receipt of adjustments by authors
November 17: deadline to receive the article's translated version (English or Portuguese)
December 2019: release of V!RUS 19