Radical moderns
Modern Movement, Modernism or simply Modern.
By these words, scholars from different areas usually refer to the extensive and thorough review process of concepts, references, ways of doing and mentalities which took place in many parts of the world, in various areas of knowledge, from the late nineteenth century to mid-twentieth. Attentive to the consolidation of the industrial mode of production and the mechanistic thinking, rationalist and functionalist, the actors of this process had in common the break with conventional procedures and aesthetic models, and the urge to design new structures and interactions involving different disciplines. They shared an interest in the development of new methods and creative processes, the use of emerging technologies, the openness to theories that sought to explain the complexity of the world, and to ideals of social and political transformation. They renewed the arts, architecture and literature beyond academic standards, they recorded everyday urban scenes in image and sound prizing the common man and his day-to-day, giving him a prominent place in history.
The twelfth issue of the V!RUS journal wants to bring together papers dealing, on the one hand, with the production of this period, its criticism and derivations, and on the other hand, with the thought, acting and work of people who, in various areas of knowledge, have lent their restless spirits to seeking overcoming paradigms, alert to what was going on in countries and cultures other then their own, dedicating their work to the redefinition of languages, the construction of new references and, in many cases, of common good and social transformation.
We also seek to identify reverberations and derivations of this period production in contemporary thought and production, relating urban, architectural, artistic, environmental, philosophical, social, political, musical, performing, filmic current issues to developments whose initial formulations are situated at that historic moment.
From this point of view, radical moderns are people, works or thoughts situated in different time frames whose references are based on modern ideas of the first half of the twentieth century. In their times, they have stimulated transdisciplinary reflections through glances coming from various areas of knowledge, willing to contribute to the review and reformulation of understandings of the world, providing valuable dissonance amid comfortable consensuses - "beautiful as a yes in a negative room ", in the words of Brazilian radical modern Joao Cabral de Melo Neto.
The issue number 12 of the VIRUS journal will welcome theoretical, conceptual and historical reflections related to the topic, as well as records and critical studies of achievements, experiences and practices, interventions in the fields of architecture, design, construction, urban planning, art, culture, cinema and audiovisual, sound and musical creation, information and communication technology, among others, in the dimensions of concrete, virtual or hybrid spaces.
In addition to text and still images, we welcome musical pieces and testimonials in audio files, architectural, urban planning and design projects accompanied by critical reflection, photo essays, animations, videos and short films, slide shows, interviews, considering Nomads.usp's interest in exploring the potential use of digital media for academic communication.
Contributions will be received at the journal website until March 13th, 2016, according to the guidelines for authors, available at em www.nomads.usp.br/virus/submissao_submission.php.
_December 2015: first call for papers
_February 2016: second call for papers
_March 13th, 2016: deadline for receipt of papers
_April 25th, 2016: sending acceptance information and adjustment requests to authors
_May 15th, 2016: deadline for receiving the original version of the final work (in Portuguese, English or Spanish) with requested adjustments
_May 30th, 2016: deadline for receiving the translated version (Portuguese or English)
_July 2016: release of V!RUS 12