Arquisur Virtual Networked Studio: a Latin American chair
Taller Virtual en Red, Estrategias didácticas colaborativas, Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación, Latinoamérica, Enseñanza del proyectoAbstract
TOne of Arquisur’s Virtual Workshop (TVR, from its acronym in Spanish) goals is to bring Latin American architecture schools together using Information and Communication Technologies, promoting exchanges among students, and highlighting the importance of recognizing multiple perspectives as elements for knowledge building. For the 2020 edition, we proposed a focus on Latin American cities, their usual problems and other issues worsened by COVID 19. This paper discusses the changes brought on by the pandemic in relation to the teaching of architecture and urban design. The paper presents the pandemic paradoxical condition as a fact that forced us to find new ways of thinking about the city and the traditional teaching-learning models. The urban problems of Latin American cities are addressed as general contents and converted into didactic formulations which different academic groups in many architecture schools can deal with. In the conclusion, we suggest some assumptions indicating points of change, and also of continuity, regarding traditional teaching models.