Analysis of Representation Regimes of Nature and the Design of the Pluriverse


  • Domingo Rafael Castañeda Olvera


Development, Decoloniality, Discourse Analysis, Sustainable Development, Regimes of nature


The debate about the different discursive representations of nature has gained strength in recent years due, among other factors, to the deepening of environmental problems on a global scale, as well as the emergence of alternatives for development. The main objective of this work is to provide an analysis of Arturo Escobar’s proposal for representations of nature, a proposal framed within the Latin American decolonial perspective, as well as its theoretical proposal Designs for the Pluriverse. Methodologically, we carry out an essentially theoretical approach, seeking to join the debate on discursive representations about nature, the discourse of development, and the voices that propose alternative visions.


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Author Biography

Domingo Rafael Castañeda Olvera

holds a Ph.D. in Sociology and is a Research Professor of the Academic Division of Environmental Technology at the Fidel Velázquez Technological University, Mexico. He studies the topics of socio-environmental conflicts and socio-territorial dispossession, impacts of new technologies on the environment, and decoloniality of the sustainability discourse.

