DIY//Do It Yourself!


  • V!RUS


Call for Papers V!RUS 10

The tenth issue of the V!RUS Journal aims at discussing processes in which direct participation of individuals and groups produces remarkable results in various spheres of social life. Priority is given to the idea that such participation involves self-organization with little or no intermediation of the State or large private corporations, either in the production of material objects at various scales, or in artistic and cultural production in its many languages, in urban interventions, in political claims, in the production and dissemination of general information, in the registration and free disclosure of several events, etc..

A wide range of matters opens from this central idea, allowing to relate it to several knowledge fields. We identify design processes and collaborative production of material objects, from those situated on the scale of the body to those in the scale of the city, including the scales of furniture and buildings. But we consider, in addition, little hierarchized processes of horizontal communication, taking as a good example the use of online social networks as a locus for dissemination, discussion and debate of ideas and propositions of various natures, its essentially viral nature and its possible outcome in presential activities.

We also want to broaden the understanding of participatory and collaborative actions on issues related to the concept of sustainability, overtaking - though not disregarding - the meaning assigned to it by environmental studies. We propose thus to understand sustainability as a systemic concept that concerns, on the one hand, the sustention and legitimization of ideas, actions and projects in the cultural, artistic, architectural, urban, social, environmental, economic and symbolic areas of a society, both by its formulators, implementers and managers, and by those who are its target as well, and on the other hand, the ability to induce new ideas, practices and concepts that these achievements can develop over time.

In this comprehensive sense, we understand that the expression "DIY//Do It Yourself" dialogues with the notions of permanence and transience, and may also refer to solidary, collaborative, viral practices of sharing, production and consumption, exemplified herein by processes of crowdfunding, carsharing, couchsurfing, solidarity economy, construction work on a mutual aid basis, self-organized occupations, among many others, and its reverberations in changing mentalities, in the dynamics of urban life and the reconfiguration of the cities physical space. Similarly, we also hope to focus on rich and promising processes intrinsic to digital culture, such as hacking, remix, reuse, the recombining practices, the mashup, bonding and fusion of information and ideas, in its various dimensions.

We therefore consider that the theme "DIY//Do It Yourself" can encompass different temporalities and meanings, stimulating transdisciplinary reflections arising from the various areas of knowledge. We welcome both theoretical, conceptual and historical reflections on processes related to the topic, as records and criticism of achievements, experiences and practices, interventions in the fields of architecture, design, construction, urbanism, art, culture, music and sound creation, communication and information technology, and artistic, audiovisual and performing art works, among others, either in the concrete, virtual or hybrid spaces.

We will welcome with special interest studies involving free software and hardware, their licensing processes, digital fabrication issues, computer interfaces and their applications, prioritizing those with clear social role. Similarly, we will be glad to complexify this reflection with contributions coming from the social sciences, anthropology, education, philosophy, communication, psychology, geography, ecology, tourism, computer science, law and engineering, and also studies and reflections on experiences in public policies, construction techniques, and socio-environmental sustainability.

In addition to text and still images, are welcome musical pieces and testimonials in audio files, architectural, urbanism and design proposals with critical reflection on their conception, photographic essays, animations, videos and short films, slide shows and interviews, considering the interest of Nomads.usp in exploring the possibilities of using digital media for scientific diffusion.

Contributions will be received through the journal's website until August 3, 2014, according to the guidelines for authors, available at


_ August 3, 2014: deadline for receipt of contributions

_ September 21, 2014: submission notice of acceptance and requests to the authors

_ October 12, 2014: deadline for receipt of corrections by the authors: final work in the original version (Portuguese, English or Spanish)

_ October 26, 2014: deadline for receiving the translated version (English or Portuguese)

_ November 2014: release of V!RUS #10


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