A tool for the evaluation of Municipal Solid Waste Management
Indicator, Evaluation tools, Public service, Environmental managementAbstract
The Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) is a great challenge for public managers especially because they need to comply with the initiatives recommended by the National Solid Waste Policy (NSWP) – Federal Law 12,305/2010, which is considered the regulatory framework for the sector in Brazil. The use of instruments to evaluate the MSWM is extremely helpful to identify its gaps and define actions to improve the system. This paper aims to structure a conceptual model for MSWM evaluation, which involves five initiatives (sanitary landfill, composting, selective collection, public consortium, and reverse logistics) and has a total of fifty qualitative indicators. The study followed four methodological stages: the selection of indicators, evaluation by experts, data consistency analysis, and elaboration of the tool. The use of several research methods has led, among other results, to the conceptual model of the SAGReS tool, which structures a dashboard with the relevant indicators for public managers. This study allows us to control the actions that may subsequently assist the decision-making of public administration regarding urban cleaning services and solid waste management.