Reviewers in double-blind process | 2010 to 2012

Prof. Dr. Arthur Autran | Federal University of São Carlos 

Prof. Dr. Arthur Lara | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. Azael Rangel Camargo | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Carlos Zibel Costa | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. César Muniz | Estacio University Center of Ribeirao Preto

Prof. Dr. Charles Vincent | Mackenzie Presbyterian University

Prof. Dr. Cibele Saliba Rizek |Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Clarissa Ribeiro | Federal University of Ceará

Prof. Dr. Cristiane Rose Duarte | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro 

Prof. Dr. Daniela Kutschat Hanns | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. Douglas Brandão | Federal University of Mato Grosso 

Prof. Dr. Douglas de Vieira Aguiar | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul 

Prof. Dr. Edson Mahfuz | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul 

Prof. Dr. Eneida Mendonça | Federal University of Espírito Santo 

Prof. Dr. Ester Buffa | Federal University of São Carlos

Prof. Dr. Eulalia Portela Negrelos| Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Fábio Duarte | Catholic University of Paraná

Prof. Dr. Fabio Fon | Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Prof. Dr. Francisco Segnini | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Celani | State University of Campinas

Prof. Dr. Giselle Beiguelman | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. Givaldo Medeiros | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Hélio Godoy | Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul

Prof. Dr. Isabel Medero Rocha | Federal University of Paraíba

Prof. Dr. João Marcos de Almeida Lopes | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Karin Chvatal | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Lara Leite Barbosa | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. Lucia Leão | Catholic University of São Paulo

Prof. Dr. Luiz Amorim | Federal University of Pernambuco

Prof. Dr. Luiz Antonio Recamán | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. Maria Cecilia Loschiavo | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. Maria Lucia Malard | Federal University of Minas Gerais

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Suzuki | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Manoel Antonio Lopes Rodrigues Alves | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Nirce Saffer Medvedovski | Federal University of Pelotas

Prof. Dr. Regiane Pupo | Federal University of Santa Catarina

Prof. Dr. Renato Vicente | University of Sao Paulo

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Firmino | Catholic University of Paraná

Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Gonçalves Santos | Federal University of Santa Catarina

Prof. Dr. Rogério de Castro Oliveira | Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Prof. Dr. Ruy Sardinha Lopes | Institute of Architecture and Urbanism - USP

Prof. Dr. Sérgio Amadeu | Federal University of ABC

Prof. Dr. Sheila Walbe Ornstein | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. Tatiana Sakurai | Architecture and Urbanism College - USP

Prof. Dr. Ursula Kirschner | Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Vera Dodebei | Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State

Prof. Dr. Vinícius de Moraes Netto | Federal Fluminense University


See also the reviewers of other issues of V!RUS: