Editorial | Creation in process+es


  • Marcelo Tramontano University of São Paulo (USP)
  • Gilfranco Medeiros Alves University of São Paulo (USP)
  • João Paulo Soares University of São Paulo (USP)


A broad context of formulation, development, exploration and sharing of the creative experience. This is the way we understand the creation process in the sixth issue of V!RUS. This edition´s theme, “creation in process+es”, aimed at exploring a multiple view on the creation as a process and a place of encounter, enabling synergies to shelter dialogue among different fields of knowledge. The creation does not under a product view, but linked to the established relations towards the process.

To approach this theme the 6th edition of the V!RUS journal had the collaboration of 30 authors, divided between the different sections present in the journal, with multiple formations aiming to work the theme in a multifaceted way. The published texts aim to expand views and create inputs to the worked themes within the Nomads.usp, establishing relationships with other actors outside the research center confirming the premise of creating and sharing knowledge through exchange.

In order to meet this multiple view on the theme, we have as INVETED PAPER Profa. Dra. Lucia Leão, researcher with formation in communication, arts, and semiotics. Through its broad formation, she gave us a precise look on the creation process in networks and the paths taken by thoughts within the collective production itineraries. With this view, her text provides a solid foundation to begin to go through the theme of this issue and the various approaches presented by the authors.

Into the session INTERVIEW, we count on the collaboration of Aquarpa, which explores the sound art and musical improvisation as processes of collective creation of sounds based on research of the sound of the materials available in the environment, as well as the digital media influence on the produced sound.

Among the SUBMITTED papers, we published 10 texts with the collaboration of 14 authors who work on issues from different aspects related to this edition’s subject. We have views at the creative process in architecture and design, which work the question of emergence in creative process assisted by digital tools beyond the question of parametrization and digital factory, as the texts of Nimish BiloriaSanhita ChaturvediEsteban Colmenares and Thiago Mundim, which are a view about the process formulation in architecture and design and the emergence concept in creation. Continuing the discussion in architecture area we have Eluiza Guizzi featuring in her text collocations on the creation process and the changes resulting from use of digital design in this process. In design, the text of Gabriela CarneiroGil Barros and Carlos Zibel, discusses the creation process based on a different project experience, based on specific methods, essentially collective.

Furthermore, we have the physicist Robert Logan featuring a multiple view about planning in creation process and the architect Angela Pinho discussing the creative process with a focus on the question of dwelling. Both with very accurate looks, based on the review of authors consolidated in their themes.

We also have Virginia Cavalcanti, Ana Maria Queiroz de Andrade and Germannya D´Garcia A. Silva featuring the creation process experience about handicraft production and the management and organization process for the collective array among small artisans, discussing design and craftsmanship, from the aspect of local and collective organization. Continuing the discussion of cultural aspects have Sandro Varano with his experimentation on the discussion and creation of sensitive maps which work out questions of cultural heritage formation and valorization.

About management and organization questions inside the creative process, Marise Machado features a detailed research about these issues in the office of the architect Edison Musa, consolidated in the architectural scene of Rio de Janeiro.

To conclude this session, we have the author Carmen Hoyos, talking about the creation paradigms in the second half of the twentieth century, with a broader view of creation and aspects of caution related to this activity.

Looking for other views on the subject and allowing a more freely and varied approach, we have the session CARPET with shorter texts, providing explanations of different authors in different areas, like Maria Julia Martins, which presents a approach about the practice of learning and the possibilities of this process, seeking the use of body language as a tool for teaching.

In this session Livia Martucci presents, in report format, her experiences to show the formation process of cultural question into the city of São Carlos. José Fornari, or just Tuti, presents an interesting text about the creation process in sound art and the production of sheets in real time using computational tools. Also working the art, but under a completely different look, Ana Luiza Neves brings the experience in Belo Horizonte with the circuit of independent art and the Collective Exhibit in Process - Piolho Nababo.

Ending this session we have Paulo Castral, featuring aspects related to the photographic area, with the differences in the photographic process treated as art and its specific issues, in a text that explains the theme with precision.

In the PROJECT session, we present architectural projects that somehow matters worked questions related to the theme of this issue, in this 6th number of the journal we present projects that are emergencies of specific processes. We have the experience of Gernot Reither and the creation process of the AIA Pavillion, result of an extensive parameterized process of creation with materials and compositions studies. And Ana Paula Petiz with a urban scale project proposed to in the city of Porto, result of a process that takes into account constant urban changes and is appears as a response to the organization of varied elements.

Into the NOMADS PAPERS session we present two aspects discussed in the researches at Nomads.usp. The first aspect is in relation to understanding creation process in architecture and design through practical experimentation, in this case with the researchers Cynthia Nojimoto and Gilfranco Alves with the development of the Strings-Supple Pavilion, a project produced in the AA Visiting School SP 2011 workshop. The second aspect, made upon theoretical explorations made by Anja Pratschke and Daniel Paschoalin which discuss the matter of performance in response to organizational aspects of information and communication in the digital age.

Finally, in session REVIEW the author Clarissa Ribeiro presents a text reviewing collective artistic processes under a systemical view and complexity theory, through the analysis of artistic collectives and and established theorists. Puts the process as a emergency tool in arts, with emphasis on the network collaborative aspect.

Thus, the structure of this edition aimed at discussing broadly the issue of creation processes, always focusing the collaborative aspects between different areas, with different views. We hope that this rich and dense material fosters the discussion on the topic and that creates more inputs that can be shared, feeding back the discussion on this important multidisciplinary topic.


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Author Biographies

Marcelo Tramontano, University of São Paulo (USP)

Associate Professor of the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo (www.iau.usp.br), since 1990, where he coordinates the Nomads.usp - Center for Interactive Living Studies [www.nomads.usp.br]. Professor and supervisor at the IAU-USP Post-graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism at Master and Doctorate levels and postdoctoral supervisor. Member of the Postgraduate Committee and the IAU-USP Higher Council. Since 2006, Editor-in-chief of the V!RUS Journal (issn 2175-974x, www.nomads.usp.br/virus), biannual thematic publication online bilingual (Portuguese-English or Spanish-English) by the Nomads. usp. Post-Doctorate at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure D'Architecture de Paris-Malaquais, France ("Contemporary Housing and New Media", 2002); Associate Professor degree at the University of São Paulo ("SQCB: apartments and ways of living in the city of São Paulo", 2004 School of Engineering of São Carlos); PhD in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo ("Paris, São Paulo, Tokyo: new ways of living, new living spaces", 1998, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism); Master in Architecture from the Ecole D'Architecture of Grenoble ("Architecture de terre: program de formation pour formateurs", 1990, CRATerre); Graduated in Architecture from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture of Grenoble, France (1984, DPLG) and in Architecture and Urbanism from the Catholic University of Campinas, Brazil (1980). He was a Visiting Professor in the Department of Cultural Sciences at the Leuphana Universität and the Hafencity Universität, Hamburg, both in Germany (2009 - 2010), Ecole Nationale Supérieure D'Architecture de Paris Belleville (2013), guest professor at the Tsinghua University School of Architecture, China, and Guest Researcher at Osaka Sangyo University, Japan 1993 - 1994, Department of Environmental Design). He coordinates research projects on public policies in the field of Culture and Urban Studies exploring the use of digital media in: 1. Cultural actions for reading and occupying urban public spaces (FAPESP 2004-2008, FAPESP 2011-2013), 2. Strategies for the development of the Advanced Internet - TIDIA-AE (FAPESP 2007-2009), 3. Study and characterization of the relationships between behaviors and living spaces in Brazil (PRP-USP 2001-2008), 4. Studies on metropolitan housing modalities; 5. Design processes with parametric design and digital manufacturing (FAPESP 2011-2013, CNPq 2013-2015), and 6. Intervention research projects with national and international partners outside the university (FAPESP, CAPES, DAAD). He prioritizes themes related to the use of documentary film as a means of research; contemporary urban dwellings and their history; architecture, parameterization and digital culture; BIM and design processes; computerization of everyday life on the scales of the body [wearable computing], the object [furniture with integrated media], building [the building as communication interface] and the city [computerized urban fragments], cultural policies; furniture design; online platforms in participatory decision-making processes for urban interventions. Invited professor of the PROCAD-CNPq Project involving the Post-Graduate Programs in Architecture and Urbanism of the IAU-USP and the Federal University of Pará, UFPA (2013-2016). He coordinated international agreements for the exchange of undergraduates, graduate students and professors with the Ecole d'Architecture of Paris-Belleville (France), Hafencity Universität (Germany, participant) and Leuphana Universität (Germany), the latter two through the UNIBRAL Capes- DAAD (2008-2011 and 2014-2016).

Gilfranco Medeiros Alves, University of São Paulo (USP)

Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from UFPEL Federal University of Pelotas, RS (1994), Post-graduated in Interior Design UNIDERP by the University for Development of the State and the Pantanal Region (2006), Masters in Language Studies by University of UFMS Mato Grosso do Sul (2009) and PhD in the Post-Graduate Program in Architecture and Urbanism of the IAU - USP São Carlos (http://www.arquitetura.eesc.usp.br/posgrad/index.php) (2014). He is a researcher and member of the NOMADS.USP group (http : / / www.nomads.usp.br/site/), algo+ritmo (www.facebook.com/AlgoRitmo.ufms)and Assistant Professor atFederal University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS). He has experience in Architecture and Urbanism in office since 1995, and as a teacher since 2005, with emphasis on architectural design, acting on the following topics: DigitalDesign, Communication and Semiotics in Architecture, Second Order Cybernetics, Computer Graphics , Parametric Design and Digital Fabrication and Teaching of Architecture and Urbanism.

João Paulo Soares, University of São Paulo (USP)

He is architect and researcher at Nomads.usp. He researches about design process in architecture and design under the system theory view, with emphasis on the use of digital media through parametric software.

